Welcome Nathan Nelson, MD!

Dr. Nelson Joins Alomere as our newest hospitalist.
If you know Dr. Nelson at all, you know he loves sports. But did you know his path into medicine started as a football player?
The physical abuse of the game over time led to a spinal fusion surgery for Nathan when he was 17 years old. Personally going through surgery and rehab piqued his interest, so he pursued an education in medicine. “I found myself drawn to the anatomy and physiology classes, so I applied to medical school.”
His career became even more focused while completing his residency at Hennepin County Medical Center (HCMC), where he realized he really thrived caring for patients with acute or chronic diseases. “It is a very busy trauma center with a pretty significant volume of very sick people.”
Dr. Nelson says his role as a hospitalist, caring for patients in the hospital, brings him back to his days playing football.

Dr. Nelson very purposefully chose to join a rural health system because he believes a smaller, close-knit community allows for better care. “it’s hard to have good continuity of care in a big city. There’s too many patients to know well. And, I think it’s more meaningful and purposeful to care for people in a community that raised me.”
As the seventh hospitalist at Alomere, he’s humbled to join a team recently recognized as a Top 20 Rural Hospital in the Nation by the National Rural Health Association. “It kind of makes you feel proud that you’re a part of an organization that really stands out amongst others.”

As Dr. Nelson settles into his new role as hospitalist, you may see him and his wife, Danielle, in the hallways of the hospital. She is also joining Alomere as a nurse in the Dermatology clinic just down the hall. They are expecting their first child this fall and are excited to grow their family in the community that they both grew up in.