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Stronger together.

On December 21, Amanda Potzmann, RN gives Becca Zwonitzer, LPN the first injection of the COVID-19 vaccine at Alomere Health.

Let’s pause together for a deep, collective breath.

We’ve finished a year that none of us saw coming. A year that’s been exhausting, harrowing, and filled with both joy and loss. A year that’s required us all to pull together in significant ways. A year that’s shown what a truly exceptional community this is.

Throughout 2020, you’ve supported our healthcare team in incredible ways. Our community came together and made thousands of masks for our workers. Many of you have bought meals for our essential staff. And you did your part by staying home, sacrificing social gatherings, and wearing masks—to keep our team and our community safe. It’s been so heartening to see these grassroots efforts. Thank you.

As we look forward to the vaccination rollout, we see a light at the end of this long tunnel— but the availability of the vaccine does not mean we can lose focus on what we’ve been doing right now.

We will remain vigilant in providing the safest environment during this pandemic because we know how important it is that we are here to meet your health care needs. During this past year, while our staff has been exhausted and discouraged at times, we are constantly reminded of the privilege it is, each and every day, to serve you and be a part of this wonderful community.

I want to thank you in advance for placing your trust in us and for allowing us to serve you and your loved ones. We’re looking forward to a brighter 2021 and we look forward to serving you for years to come. Together, we will pull through—and come out even stronger.

Happy Holidays,

Carl Vaagenes, Alomere Health CEO
