Learn about orthopedics May 22nd.

Ortho Night Out
Join our orthopedic experts on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024, to learn about the latest advancements in orthopedics, including our Mako robotic-arm system, view surgical implants, and receive information on how you can improve your quality of life.
Featured Topics & Speakers:
“Mako Robotic-Arm Assisted Joint Replacement” with Dr. Aaron Balgaard
“Osteoarthritis and Non-Operative Treatment Options” with Dr. Jonathan Harvey
“All About the Rotator Cuff” with Dr. Emily Monroe
Broadway Ballroom | 115 30th Avenue East, Alexandria, MN 56308
May 22, 2024 | Doors open at 5pm | Talks start at 5:30pm
Prizes will be given away but you must be present to win. Enjoy free beverages and hors d’oeuvres so please pre-register with Angie Miller at 320.762.6661 or email her at amiller@alomerehealth.com