Alomere offers lung cancer screening event.

Preventive care is the best care.
We know early detection of lung cancer has the highest rates of recovery. In addition, preventive care isn’t expensive. For most, the cost of a screening is covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and insurance.
Alexandria Clinic is offering a lung cancer screening event on September 14 and 15 for smokers that meet the following criteria:
• 50-80 years old
• Currently smoke, or quit in the last 15 years
• Smokes 1 pack per day for 20+ years, or
• Smokes 1/2 pack a day for 40+ years
In addition, Alomere will cover the cost of the screening for the first three people who call to register and mention code word, “White.”
This event is only available for two days, and has limited openings, so call 320.759.4024 today to reserve your spot.