Linda is thriving again!

From Left to Right: Morgan Klintworth, Emily Gapinski, Linda Fenelon, and Stacy Peterson.
For Linda Fenelon, 2022 started out badly. In January of that year, her husband died. On top of that, she then got COVID and shingles—at the same time.
Some months later, Linda felt pain in her chest so she went to the ER to get checked out. After running some tests, the physician on duty concluded her pain was the result of the recent stress. When it happened again (this time in Bemidji), this ER physician couldn’t find any definitive medical reason for her pains either.
With a family history of heart conditions, Linda knew deep down her chest pain wasn’t just the result of stress. So she met with her primary care physician, who wisely ordered a heart scan—and subsequently referred her to a cardiologist. Her persistence paid off. The angiogram revealed a 90% blockage in one of her main arteries.
Wasting no time, Linda received a surgery that fixed the blockage and installed a stent to keep the blood vessel open.
Consistent with any serious heart surgery, Linda needed to follow up with cardiac rehab. Fortunately for her, she found the care she needed right here in Alexandria at Alomere’s Cardiopulmonary Services department. Three times a week for 36 sessions, Linda met with Stacy Peterson and the team to learn important therapy and education about cholesterol, diet, exercise, ad medications.

Alomere's Morgan Klintworth helping Linda Fenelon.
“Stacy was very encouraging and challenged me to go to the next level. Now, I have a lot more energy. And the doctors have told me I’m good for another 100,000 miles!”
These days, Linda stays very busy. She enjoys quilting, walking around her lake every day with a friend, tending a large garden, volunteering at her church, and visiting with her 10 grandchildren—all of which are happy to see her active and healthy again.