Alomere is offering a lung-cancer screening event in May.

Preventive care is the best care.
We know early detection of lung cancer has the highest rates of recovery. In addition, preventive care isn’t expensive. For most, the cost of a screening is covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and insurance.
Alexandria Clinic is offering, low-dose CT lung cancer screenings in May to people who meet the following criteria:
- 50-80 years old
- Currently smoke, or quit in the last 15 years
- Have smoked 1 pack a day for 20+ years
- Have smoked 1/2 pack a day for 40+ years
- Have never received a lung cancer screening in the past
Alomere will cover the cost of the screening for the first 3 qualified candidates who call to register and mention code word, “White.”
Call 320.759.4024 today (Mon-Fri 8am-5pm) to reserve your spot. Alomere will walk you through the questionnaire. If you qualify, they will schedule a time in May for your screening.
There is no need for an office visit. In the event you call, and the 3 free spots are taken, we encourage you to contact your insurance if you have questions on what is covered if you meet the criteria.
If demand is high, Alomere may open up the free screening to more candidates. Get the peace of mind preventive care can give you.